At Cyan Clayworks we run regular courses throughout the year for adult learners. These include short taster classes, daytime and evening courses running over several weeks, and one day workshops. The taster classes (2.5 or 3hrs) are ideal for complete beginners who would like to try one or two techniques; usually wheelthrowing and tiles/markmaking/slip decoration – absolutely no prior experience needed! We often run specialist one day workshops on Saturdays. These may focus on wheelthrowing and handbuilding, or monoprinting/experiments with the surface for example, allowing students to build their confidence in a particular area. On these one off courses we finish and fire your pieces ready to collect at a later date.

The longer courses are usually suitable for beginners and/or those with some prior experience. We run occasional courses for more intermediate level students, who would like to hone their skills and focus on individual projects. Students will be able to try a wide range of techniques and find which ones that suit them best. For those who’ve worked with clay before we can go into more depth at the different stages of making; help you with creative decision-making, thinking about the relationship between the form and surface and much more. Depending on the individual course, the focus can be on different areas of ceramics, such as functional pots, coilbuilding, slabbuilding and surface decoration using slips and glazes. All of our courses have strictly limited numbers, and usually we run courses with both of us teaching to give everyone more input. Fiona specialises in handbuilding and the surface; Chris mainly in throwing and functional pots. All materials, use of tools/equipment and firings are included. Everything is prepped for you in advance and we have a range of coloured slips and glazes mixed by ourselves.

Our approach to teaching is fairly hands-on and supportive, but without being too prescriptive – you can choose what you make. Each technique is demonstrated by us at the start of the class, and we can point you in the direction of other relevant artists and makers as appropriate for inspiration. We have a contemporary approach to ceramics, but also have a broad knowledge of its history.

Cyan Clayworks is a ‘working’ studio where we both create and sell ceramics; you can look at and handle our work in the shop space, and often see pieces in progress. There are lots of books and journals in the studio for inspiration too. Both of us have trained in ceramics to post-graduate level, have been working professionally since the 1990s, and are highly committed to this creative field, and so we have a lot to offer our students in a friendly environment.

We are occasionally asked if we offer any discounts for students or retirees. Unfortunately as we are a small non-profit studio we are unable to offer discounts- we keep our prices as low as they can be. Additionally we are not able to accommodate those under 16 or those with complex support needs; for health & safety and insurance reasons. At intervals we need to increase prices if our overheads increase. Keep an eye on our social media for the most up to date information!

You can see all our forthcoming courses listed below (now booked through Ticket Tailor).

We also now have a different booking system for individual tuition – please see dates below. For more details see our Tuition page.